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Real words shared here. Authentic. Raw. Real.

My Dearest Daughter

My Dearest Daughter

I pray the world never gets so loud that you can no longer find God's voice. My prayer is never that you win every race; but rather, you turn to Him to be your hands and feet. My prayer is never that you will be popular; but rather, that you will...

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Raising Kids

Raising Kids

How to Raise Children that Love Jesus with Ease When my second son was a toddler, we went to visit relatives in Kansas, and one of them asked him, “So what do you want to be when you grow up?” And he plainly answered, “A bad guy.” And began acting...

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Weakness Revealed Through Dieting

Weakness Revealed Through Dieting

I have always been satisfied with my body and physical appearance, until a family event came around that changed it all. Unfiltered commentary eroded my confidence in that moment. As they arrived, even before saying “Hi” the words that shot out of...

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Fear over Things that aren’t Real

Fear over Things that aren’t Real

I was playing with my 2 yr old and we were making animals out of play dough. I rolled out the play dough to form a snake and started slithering the snake towards her. She pretended to be scared and yelled, then laughed. She then said “my turn!” She...

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Has God ever grabbed your attention with something mundane, like an object in your house, when he wants to talk to you about something? One of the ways he likes to let me know that he has something to say to me is to highlight something I see in my...

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Through Our Children

Through Our Children

I don’t know about you, but there are times when my nerves are fried and my children mean well, but mommy needs some moments of silence. Anybody else?Recently, in the drive thru line, I couldn’t find my debit card. This is a regular problem for me....

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