Missional Moms

Five Ways to Make Jesus Known in Your Home

by Amanda Mauchly

I heard a saying once that said, motherhood is not mundane to the Kingdom of God”.

What does God see that we dont? How does God view the shaping and stewardship of parenting children?

Mama, I want to encourage you. This is where we lay down our best. This is where we offer God our all. This is where we pour out our love for Him. When we love our children, we love Jesus. When we serve our families, we are serving God. Day after day after day, moment after moment at the feet of Jesus, in the name of motherhood.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Motherhood is not mundane to the heart of the Father. So, as you labor on in the name of love I hope these five simple tips can be helpful to you in your journey of making Jesus known to your family.


1. Open up the Word and read it together. Sounds simple, right? But how often is this done? And how can our children learn about Jesus unless their told? Have your children repeat key phrases from the passage, and ask them questions. Utilize meal times for Bible readings and interactive devotionals. Get a rhythm going. We call our devotional time a ‘breakfast rhythm’. As they sit down to eat we open up our devotional and read through a Bible story that follows up with questions. Some days the children are jumping on their chairs and can hardly sit still and other days they are more interactive but the point is their learning and getting their minds on Jesus so it counts.

2. Invite conversations about Jesus into everyday moments. Say good morning to Him when the children wake up, and goodnight as they go to bed. Praise Him together for the trees He created and the sun that shines. Point their hearts to Him as they color or plant flowers in the garden. The point is to get their minds on Him. He is the source of life, and you can’t exhaust the opportunities in making Him known.


  1. 3. Play worship music. There are so many albums that teach scripture and have fun and upbeat music. (Little Songbirds by Rachel Fa’agutu, Lifetree Kids, and Hillsong Kids are some of my favorites). Dance with them. The presence of God is full of joy!! I love watching my children’s hearts tenderize as we listen to worship music. There is no such thing as junior Holy Spirit.


  1. 4. Buy bible-based school curriculums and/or print off bible-based activities (@tinytheologians and @arrowsandapplesauce are my fav’s). 
  1. 5. Pray over your children and pray together. Teach your children that God hears the sound of their voice. That He moves at the sound of their voice. That He bends His ear down from heaven to listen to them. Sometimes if an uncle has a hurt back or mommy has a headache I’ll encourage them to pray like Jesus told us to for the sick. We get to watch our children’s faith flourish!
  1. Remember Mama, we get to set the tone for our families. If we want our children to know Jesus, we have to make Him known.


If we play worship music in the home, then our children will listen to it.

If we initiate Bible reading, then our children get to hear the Word.

If we intentionally remind our children about the nature of God throughout the day, then our children learn what He is like.

If we take them to church, then they are surrounded by like minded families and friends.

If someone is sick, and we encourage them to pray over them, then they get to learn how to pray.

It starts with us, Mama. Lets put Jesus on display in our homes.


I have loved watching my children fall in love with the Man Christ Jesus. He is real and alive to them, and I didnt do anything special, I just introduce them to Him everyday. Children have hungry hearts and listening ears.


We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the LORD, about his power and his mighty wonders.”—Psalm 78:4


Let this verse be our anthem, Mama! We are messengers of the Gospel. Would we not hide these truths from our children but tell this next generation about the mighty wonders of our God! You can do it, Mama! You were made for this!! Hes just getting started, and you get to be apart of it!

you are loved, Amanda
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Amanda lives in Colorado with her husband and two children. She is a full-time mom who is passionate about touching the deep things of God with her children. She deeply believes that to know God is to love Him and it’s her greatest heart’s desire that her children would know Him.

Find her here on instagram